Caribbean LGEs may be registered as non-profit organisations or for-profit businesses. LGEs can access different types of finance depending on the type of registration.
Types of finance for LGEs
A grant is a quantity of money which has been gifted to an individual or company. Unlike a loan, you do not have to pay back a grant. The body awarding the grant may stipulate specific criteria for accessing the grant which detail who is eligible for the grant and the purpose it may be put to. Subventions are a grant of money in aid or support for operations, mostly given by the government. Grants and subventions are an important source of funding for non-profit organisations; for-profits are usually not eligible.
Many non-profit organisations rely on donations from individuals or organisations to fund their work. This includes gifts and bequests, and can be monetary or other (e.g., property, equipment, materials).
A loan is a quantity of money, which has been given to an individual or company, in exchange for repayment of the value or loan principal amount plus interest. A loan may be secured by collateral such as mortgage on a land or on assets or it may be unsecured such as a credit card. Loans can be accessed by for-profit or non-profit organisations.
Equity investments are made through the purchase of small portions of a for-profit company, known as shares or stocks. The shareholder becomes entitled to a portion of the profits or assets made by the company. These shares are typically traded on a stock exchange.
Angel investments are made through the provision of one-time investment of funds or ongoing funding to a for-profit company. These angel funders or private investors typically support early-stage businesses in exchange for a percentage ownership of or equity in the company.
Blended finance uses development funding (e.g., grants, low-interest loans) to mitigate investment risks and attract additional funds from private commercial sources which expect to get a financial return on their investments. Blended finance is the combination of different types of funding to support the initiative. Blended finance approaches can be used in funds created to support LGEs.
Check out featured sources of finance for LGEs
Tobago Tourism Development Fund
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The Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) product loans
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Search below to learn about some of the organisations which can provide financing to Caribbean LGEs.
Name of Organisation | About | Role | Country | Sector | Website |
American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad and Tobago (AMCHAM T&T) | The American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad and Tobago (AMCHAM T&T) supports trade and investment within the Americas and the Caribbean.Through its Women in Leadership Mentorship Programme, AMCHAM T&T provides mentorship to female professsionals, inclusive of small business owners. | Business Support Organisation | Trinidad & Tobago | All | |
Cropper Foundation | The Cropper Foundation is a non profit organisation committed to sustainable development through innovative project design and implementation. Focal areas include natural resource governance and management, community livelihoods and resilience, civil society leadership, data and natural capital. | Business Support Organisation | Trinidad & Tobago | All | |
Mayaro Initiative for Private Enterprise Development (MIPED) | The Mayaro Initiative for Private Enterprise Development (MIPED) is an entrepreneurship development initiative of bp Trinidad and Tobago. MIPED provides financial and technical support to small businesses operating within the rural community of Mayaro, Trinidad. Business receive loan funding and training support to start or grow their businesses. | Business Support Organisation | Trinidad & Tobago | Financial | |
National Entrepreneurship Development Corporation (NEDCO) | The National Entrepreneurship Development Corporation (NEDCO) promotes and supports business development through business advisory, training, business acceleration and financial products such as grants and loans. LGEs and other small and micro enterprises can benefit from access to traditional loan financing; Covid-19 Entrepreneur Relief Grants; NEDCO's Business Accelerator Programme; entrepreneurial development training workshops and online education sessions. In addition, valued added support services in business needs assessment, advisory and aftercare are also offered to clients. | Business Support Organisation | Trinidad & Tobago | All | |
Regional Business Chambers | Business Chambers and Associations represent business and socio-economic development issues in Tobago, San Juan, Tunapuna, Arima Sangre Grande, Chaguanas, Couva/Point Lisas, Gasparillo, San Fernando, Penal/Debe, Spira, Point Fortin, Fyzabad and Port of Spain (Downtown). | Business Support Organisation | Trinidad & Tobago | All | |
The Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI) | The Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI) combines a focus on innovation and technolgy through thr provision of engineering, analytical and innovation services. | Business Support Organisation | Trinidad & Tobago | Regulatory/Policy | |
The Loan for Enterprise and Network Development (LEND) Agency | The Loan for Economic Development (LEND) Agency supports the start up and growth of businesses in South West Trinidad, in areas outside of the oil and gas sector. Businesses operating in sectors such as agriculture, retail, manufacturing and fishing, can benefit from business plan development and training as well as loan funding. | Business Support Organisation | Trinidad & Tobago | Financial | |
Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Commerce | The Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Commerce contributes to national and sustainable economic development. Through the activities of its NOVA committee, the Chamber provides business mentoring and training for business development to members. | Business Support Organisation | Trinidad & Tobago | All | |
Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago | Youth Business Trinidad and Tobago (YBTT) is a non profit organisation which 'empowers young persons to build profitable and sustainable businesses'. YBTT offers early start up and accelerator programmes to entrepreneurs to build and grow their business. This is complemeneted by mentorship, development and networking opportunities through its aftercare programmes and annual Global Entrepreneurship Week. | Business Support Organisation | Trinidad & Tobago | All | |
St. Lucia Youth Business Trust (SLYBT) | The St. Lucia Youth Business Trust (SLYBT) supports young entrepreneurs through entrepreneurial development and mentorship. | Business Support Organisation | St. Lucia | All | |
Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) | The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) supports rural and community-based , local green and blue enterprises (LGEs) through providing access to capacity building, mentorship and micro grants. CANARI has also long promoted the need to strengthen policies, laws, regulations, structures and systems to better enable the LGE sector. | Business Support Organisation | Regional | All | |
The Jamaica Association of Micro Financing Limited (JAMFIN) | The Jamaica Association of Micro Financing Limited (JAMFIN), is a not-for-profit company which supports the "development of the micro enterprise sector as a key player in national economic development through the provision of accessible, appropriate and timely financing, training and business development services to individuals and enterprises". | Business Support Organisation | Jamaica | Financial | |
Jamaica Youth Business Trust (JYBT) | The Jamaica Youth Business Trust (JYBT) supports young entrepreneurs through�mentoring, training, support and start-up capital. Entrepreneurs from both rural and urban areas can also benefit from advisory and networking opportunities across the island. | Business Support Organisation | Jamaica | All | |
Dominica Youth Business Trust (DYBT) | Dominica Youth Businses Trust is (DYBT) is an initiative of the Commonwealth Youth Programme (CYP) and the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica, with support from the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). It supports young persons in business through entrepreneurship development programmes and mentorship. | Business Support Organisation | Dominica | All | |
Barbados Youth Business Trust (BYBT) | Barbados Youth Business Trust (BYBT) is a non governmental organisation which supports young entrepreneurs by providing financial assistance, mentoring, training, on-going business advice and marketing support. | Business Support Organisation | Barbados | All | |
Agriculture Development Bank | The Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) supports investment and growth of enterpreneurship in the agricultural sector through the provision of financial products and services. Farmers and agri-entrepreneurs can access a range of loan services to finance new agricultural projects, secure business and assets, purchase a vehicle or access working capital. Traditional banking services such as savings and fixed deposits are also made available to clients. | Financial Institution | Trinidad & Tobago | Agriculture | |
Credit Unions | Credit unions are member owned, coperative institutions which offer tradidtional banking services such as depostis, loans and other financial services to members. Credit unions can play a pivotal role for LGEs through specialised incentives and rates. A few credit unions currently offer business start up and expansion loans, not specifically targeted at LGEs. | Financial Institution | Trinidad & Tobago | Financial | |
Banks | Banks are financial instititions which offer services such as deposits, loans and other credit and investment services to account holders. Several banks operate in Trinidad and Tobago such as the Bank of Baroda, CIBC First Caribbean International Bank, Citi, First Citizens Bank, JMMB Bank, RBC Royal Bank, Republic Bank, Scotiabank and ANSA Merchant Bank. Institutions such as Republic Bank and Scotiabank offer specialised programmes and services for small business owners while ANSA Merchant Bank has recent launched its natural capital fund. | Financial Institution | Regional | Financial | |
Caribbean Information and Credit Rating Services Limited (CariCRIS) | The Caribbean Information and Credit Rating Services (CariCRIS) is a regional credit rating agency. Ratings allow for the risk and debt of entities to be assessed at a regional level, which can benefit both investors and borrowers. LGEs and other SMEs can benefit from SME ratings and reports which profile their credit risk and identify areas for improvement. | Financial Institution | Regional | Financial | |
ANSA Merchant Bank | The Natural Capital and Biodiversity Grant Challenge 2023 is sponsored by ANSA Merchant Bank in collaboration with ANSA Bank and The Cropper Foundation. The grant competition aims to challenge SMEs to explore natural capital approaches in business planning and decision-making across various sectors in T&T. | Financial Institution | Trinidad & Tobago | Financial | |
Trinidad and Tobago Tourism Business Development Limited | The Trinidad and Tobago Tourism Business Development Limited (TTTBDL) administers the Tobago Tourism Development Fund. LGEs and SMEs operating in the tourism sector for three years with existing loans and potential for job creation, can apply to the fund. | Funding Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Tourism | |
Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP) provides technical and financial assistance to projects carried out by communities in areas such as biodiversity, climate change mitigation and adaption, land degradation, sustainable forestr management, international waters and chemics. Community groups include indigenous people, community-based organizations and other non-governmental groups. | Funding Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Financial | |
Ministry of Social Development and Family Services | The Ministry of Social Development and Family Services provides policy and coordinated support in the social services sector. Its Sowing Empowerment through Entrepreneurial Development (SEED) programme provides grant funding to start or expand micro business, for citizens who are poor or vulnerable. It also provides financial assistance to NGOs through its subventions and one off grants. | Funding Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Regulatory/Policy | |
LINK-Caribbean | LINK-Caribbean provides "investment facilitation grants to entrepreneurs, as well as non-funding activities to support the development of deal-flow for early-stage investment through the Caribbean Business Angel Network (CBAN)". | Funding Agency | Regional | Financial | |
Hanover Bee Farmers� Co-operative Society Ltd. | The Hanover Bee Farmers� Co-operative Society Limited is a cooperative of bee farmers focused on sustainable apiculture. | LGE | Jamaica | Apiculture | |
The Original Trinitario Cocoa and Chocolate (OTC) Not for Profit organization | The Original Trinitario Cocoa Education Foundation (OTC) is a Not for Profit organization and acts as a catalyst for sustainable growth of the cocoa industry in the Caribbean, generating foreign exchange and offering diversified employment throughout the value chain, including for women, who already dominate artisan production locally. The OTC comprises cocoa growers, suppliers, buyers, and downstream processors, with the contributing support of government and regional agricultural research centres. The unique value of this initiative is the production of organic, low-cadmium fine-flavour cocoa with the pedigree of being the home and cradle of Original Trinitario cocoa. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Agriculture | |
Isle Bee Well | Isle Bee Well Inc., is Grenada's trusted natural & sustainable, wellness company offering professional plant-powered Self Care and Home Care products inspired by honeybees. Our | LGE | Grenada | Apiculture | |
Spice Isle Solar | Solar design and installation business in Grenada and the Caribbean aims to provide reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy solutions to solve the problem of rising electricity prices and over-reliance on fossil fuels. | LGE | Grenada | Clean Energy | |
Home Grown Goodness | Home Grown Goodness produces a variety of healthy, nutrition dense, delicious foods that are grown sustainably and with little to no waste on production or consumption. | LGE | Grenada | Agriculture, Aquaculture or Agro-processing | |
Little Zion | Little Zion is an agro-tourism business which operates a unique tourist attraction site: a waterfall. It will regenerate an organic farm which will provide raw materials for unique guided tours and a farm-to-table culinary experience.�It will also provide eco-friendly accommodation based on modern sustainable design techniques and utilize solar- and hydro-based power sources to create a completely off-grid system. | LGE | Dominica | Agriculture, Aquaculture or Agro-processing | |
rEvive Solutions | rEvive Solutions solves the problem of improper disposal and accumulation of electronic waste which can lead to environmental and health hazards. | LGE | Antigua and Barbuda | Circular Economy & Waste Management | |
Regal Farms | Regal Farms� mission is to provide high quality, nutritional, and chemical free vegetables and meat for consumption whilst assisting to reduce Saint Lucia's food import bill. | LGE | St Lucia | Agriculture, Aquaculture or Agro-processing | |
SVG Microgreens | SVG Microgreens will provide the highest quality, most nutritious and best tasting fresh microgreens, microgreens supplements, microgreens blends and powders to the island of St. Vincent and regional markets while striving to grow more food with less resources and forming an open and welcoming environment to foster the next generation of farmers. | LGE | St Vincent and the Grenadines | Agriculture, Aquaculture or Agro-processing | |
Gaspard Agro & Processing farm | Gaspard Agro & Processing farm provides quality organic crops all year round to keep a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. | LGE | St. Lucia | Agriculture, Aquaculture or Agro-processing | |
St Kitts Beekeeper's Co-Operative | The SKBC is a group that promotes increasing the local honeybee population to enhance the production of local raw honey and products from hives and develop Api tourism as a rural tourism product. | LGE | St. Kitts and Nevis | Agriculture, Aquaculture or Agro-processing | |
K Vidal's Enterprise | K Vidal's Enterprise aims to manufacture natural, organic products free from additives to persons looking for healthier products for a healthier lifestyle. | LGE | Dominica | Agriculture, Aquaculture or Agro-processing | |
Kittitian Bloom | Kittitian Bloom provides an array of locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables as well as cut flowers using ecological and sustainable farming practices which contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases and pesticides. | LGE | St. Kitts and Nevis | Agriculture, Aquaculture or Agro-processing | |
Turks and Caicos Fishing Cooperative Inc | The Turks and Caicos Fishing Cooperative Inc. is a cooperative of fishers focused on sustainable fisheries development and business operations on the islands of Turks and Caicos. | LGE | Turks and Caicos | Fisheries | |
The Mud Soap Company | The Mud Soap Company harnesses the overflow of the mud from the local natural resource (mud volcanoes) of Trinidad and Tobago to create organic skincare products such as soaps , body �and face masks with scrubs. Our intention is to reduce the amount of microbeads and micro plastics entering the soil and waterways through cosmetic products. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Manufacturing | |
Brasso Seco Morne La Croix Farmers� Association (BSMLCFA) | The Brasso Seco/Morne La Croix Farmers' Association is a community based association of farmers engaged in agricultural produce and apiculture. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Agriculture Tourism | |
Brasso Seco Paria Tourism Action Committee | The Brasso Seco Paria Tourism Action is a community based organisation focused on the organisation and promotion of eco tourism activites in the area. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Tourism | |
Fondes Amandes Community Reforestation Project | The Fondes Amandes Community Reforestation Project (FACRP) is a community based non-governmental organisation focused on forestry and ecotourism. Founded in 1982, the organisation promotes a healthy agroforestry environment, providing sustainable livelihoods with expressions of multicultural traditions based on the FACRP participatory model of community forestry. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Reforestation Tourism | |
Grande Riviere Nature Tour Guide Association | The�Grande�Riviere�Nature�Tour�Guide�Association�(GRNTGA)�is�a�non?profit,�community?based� organisation�operating�as�a�local�green?blue�enterprise�located�within�Grande�Riviere, Trinidad. The GRNTGA specialises in environmental conservation and awareness, especially around sea turtles, alongside eco?tourism and other enterprises based on the use of ecosystem goods and services. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Tourism | |
Nature Seekers | Nature Seekers is a non-governmental organisation established in 1990 for the conservation of turtles based in Matura, Trinidad and Tobago. Its cluster of community based enterprises generates jobs, support livelihoods and strengthen turtle and ecosystem conservation. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Tourism | |
New Fire Festival | NEW FIRE Festival is a for-profit, social enterprise that fosters societal evolution, environmental sustainability and cultural change through the hosting of a festival. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Tourism | |
Twigs Naturals | Twigs Naturals is a manufacturer of herbal teas using all-natural ingredients. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Manufacturing | |
Buck's Eco Tours | Buck's Eco Tours is an eco tourim tour provider offering tours in Nariva Swamp, Plum Mitan and environs. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Tourism | |
Dr Roast Fish Ortoire Bridge | Dr. Roast Fish is a roast seafood restaurant in Mayaro, Trinidad | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Tourism | |
Ducky's Ortiore Organic Roast Seafood | Ducky's Ortoire Organic Roast Seafood is a roast sea food restaurant in Mayaro, Trinidad. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Tourism | |
Flying Tree Environmental Management | Flying Tree Environmental Management is a non-government organization (NGO) dedicated to the reforestation and rehabilitation of endangered and sensitive ecosystems. Flying Tree integrates sporting activities such as paragliding with aerial reaforestation and ecosystem rehabilitation. The organisation also engages in training and eduction and plastic sequestration and upcycling through its rehabilitation centre. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Tourism | |
Kernahan Cascadoux Women Group | The Kernahan Cascadoux Women's Group is a community based group focused on the empowerment of women through environmental stewardship and production of handicrafts. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Tourism Manufacturing | |
Kervon's Exotic Seafood | Kervon's Exotic Seafood is a roast seafood restaurant in Mayaro, Trinidad. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Manufacturing | |
Limeland Tours | Limeland Tours is an ecotourism tour provider offering guest house accomodation in Manzanilla, as well as kayaking and hiking tours in Nariva Swamp and environs. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Tourism | |
Nandoo's Agro Processing and Marketting | Nandoo's Agro Processing and Marketing is a family owned enterprise operating in Kernahan, Nariva. The business offers educational tours and activities to its mango estate as well as provides agro processed mango products. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Manufacturing | |
Nariva Eco Tours | Nariva Eco Tours is an ecotourism tour provider offering boat and hiking tours in Nariva Swamp and environs. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Tourism | |
Nariva Swamp EcoTours | Nariva Swamp Eco Tours is an ecotourism tour provider offering hiking tours in Nariva Swamp and environs. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Tourism | |
Shaka Roast Seafood | Shaka Roast Seafood is a roast seafood restaurant in Mayaro, Trinidad. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Manufacturing | |
Susan's Soup Shop | Susan's Soup Shop provides corn soup and catered meal services in Nariva and environs. The business operates out of LimeLand Tours. | LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Manufacturing Tourism | |
Mt Plaisir Estate Hotel | Mt Plaisir Estate Hotel is a beach front eco resort in Grande Riviere, Trinidad. | LGE | Trinidad | Tourism | |
Trinidad and Tobago Unified Fisherfolk | The Trinidad and Tobago Unified Fisherfolk is a national umbrella body for fishers in Trinidad and Tobago. | LGE | Trinidad | Fisheries | |
Ashton Multipurpose Co-operative Society Limited | Ashton Multipurpose Co-operative Society Limited is a cooperative enaged in seamoss mariculture. It operates in Union Island, St Vincent and the Grenadines. | LGE | St. Vincent & the Grenadines | Financial | |
Mayreau Explorers Cooperative | The Mayreau Explorers Cooperative is an agricultural cooperative operating on the Grenadian island of Mayreau. A primary focus of the cooperative is the creation of products from seamoss. | LGE | St. Vincent & the Grenadines | Manufacturing | |
North Leeward Tourism Association (NLTA) | The North Leeward Tourism Association (NLTA) works towards the development of environmentally friendly tourism in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. | LGE | St. Vincent & the Grenadines | Tourism | |
Rose Hall Cultural and Development Organisation (RHCDO) | The Rose Hall Cultural and Development Organisation (RHCDO) is a non-governmental organisaiton focusing on the preservation of social, environmental and cultural heritage in St Vincent & the Grenadines. | LGE | St. Vincent & the Grenadines | Tourism | |
St Vincent and the Grenadines National Fisherfolk Organisation Limited | The St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Fisherfolk Organisation Limited (NFO) is a civil society organisation established in 2014 as the umbrella body for fisherfolk organisations. It is responsible for the development and capacity building of all fishing cooperatives in the country. | LGE | St. Vincent & the Grenadines | Fisheries | |
Madeira Valley Heritage Park Inc. | Madeira Valley Heritage Park is a non governmental organisation established to maintain the forest species of the coastal dry forest of the lower Massey Valley, as well as showcase the rich agricultural, economic, and cultural heritage of the community. | LGE | St. Vincent & the Grenadines | Tourism | |
Nevis Turtle | The Nevis Turtle Group (NTG) is dedicated to the development of a sea turtle conservation program for Nevis that involves local communities. | LGE | St. Kitts and Nevis | Tourism Mariculture | |
Nevis Fishermen's Cooperative Society Ltd | The Nevis Fishermen's Cooperative Society Ltd is a cooperative of fishers. | LGE | St. Kitts and Nevis | Fisheries | |
Liamuiga Seamoss Group | The Liamuiga Seamoss Group is a community based organisation focused on mariculture of seamoss. It focuses on the supply and marketing of seasmoss products and promotion of the nutritional and health benefits of seamoss. | LGE | St. Kitts & Nevis | Manufacturing | |
Fond St. Jacques Development Committee | The Fond St Jacques Development Committee (FSJDC) is a non-profit umbrella organisation focused on representation and advocacy of the physical, social and economic needs of residents of the community of Fond St Jacques. Established in 1994, the FSJD is working towards the implementation of a Agro Tourism Park (ATP) in the area. | LGE | Saint Lucia | Tourism Agriculture | |
Jacq-Co Valley Products Ltd | The Jacq-Co Valley Products Ltd. provides agro-processed products including green fig and macaboo flour as well as fruit-based popsicles. | LGE | Saint Lucia | Manufacturing | |
Castries Fishermen's Cooperative Society Limited | The Castries Fishermen's Cooperative Society Limited is a cooperative of fishers. | LGE | Saint Lucia | Fisheries | |
Eco South Tours Inc. | Eco South Tours Inc. (EST) was formed by the Saint Lucia National Trust in 2011 to manage and oversee tours within the Pointe Sable Environmental Protection Area (PSEPA) of South St. Lucia. It is a for-profit organisation, providing eco tourism services such as hiking, fishing and horse back riding tours and handicraft production. | LGE | Saint Lucia | Tourism | |
St Lucia Fisherfolk Cooperative Society Limited | The St Lucia Fisherfolk Cooperative Society Limited is an umbrella body to eight fisher primary consumer cooperative societies. | LGE | Saint Lucia | Fisheries | |
Indian Castle Fisherfolk Association | The Indian Castle Fisherfolk Association is an association of seamoss mariculture producers on the island of Nevis. | LGE | Nevis | Fisheries | |
The Montserrat Fishing and Boaters Association Inc. (MFBA) | The Montserrat Fishing and Boaters Association Inc. (MFBA) is an association of fishers and boaters operating on the island of Montserrat. | LGE | Montserrat | Fisheries | |
Bluefields Bay Fishermen Friendly Society (BBFFS) | Bluefields Bay Fishermen�s Friendly Society (BBFFS) seeks to educate its members in sustainable fishing practices and develop employment alternatives that will enhance the quality of life and preserve the natural environment of Bluefields. | LGE | Jamaica | Fisheries | |
Jamaican Fishermen's Cooperative Union | The Jamaica Fishermen Co-operative Union (JFCU) is a secondary cooperative society with membership of nine primary fishermen co-operatives and several hundred individual fishermen.The JFCU now provides a range of services to its members and other licensed fishermen inclusive of commercial fishing equipment to fishermen in the island. | LGE | Jamaica | Fisheries | |
Smithfield Local Forest Management Committee | The Smithfield Local Forest Management Committee is an informal association focused on forestry and apiculture. | LGE | Jamaica | Forestry | |
Negril Area Environmetnal Protection Trust (MEPT) | The Negril Area Environmental Protection Trust (NEPT) is a non-governmental organisation focused on the sustainable management of the Orange Bay Special Fishery Conservation Area. Activities are focused on conservation and protection of the ecosystem as well as education and sustainable livelihoods programmes. | LGE | Jamaica | Tourism Mariculture | |
KOOPA-3B | Kowoperativ Apik�l Twa B� (KOOPA-3B) is a cooperative of eight honey-producing associations operating around the Three Bays Marine Protected Area in northeast Haiti. | LGE | Haiti | Apiculture | |
KOOPEK-3B | Kowoperativ Ekotouris Twa B� (KOOPEK-3B) is a marine based-ecotourims cooperative, founded by artisanal fishers, operating around the Three Bays Marine Protected Area in northeastern Haiti. | LGE | Haiti | Tourism | |
Guyana National Fisherfolk Organisation | The Guyana National Fisherfolk Organisation is a cooperative of fishers focused on sustainable fisheries, improved livelihoods and advocacy in decisions affecting the fishing industry. | LGE | Guyana | Fisheries | |
Upper Corentyne Fishermen�s Cooperative Society Limited | The Upper Corentyne Fishermen�s Co-operative Society (UCFCS) is a cooperative of fishers from along the Corentyne Coast. The cooperative focuses on sustainable fishing practices and improved livelihoods. | LGE | Guyana | Fisheries | |
Gouyave Fishermen Cooperative Society Limited | Gouyave Fishermen Cooperative Society Limited is a non-financial cooperative of fisherfolk taking the lead in co-management of the Gouyave Marine Protected Area, Grenada. | LGE | Grenada | Fisheries | |
La Baye Alternative Livelihood Organisation | The Labaye Alternative Livelihoods Organization Inc. is for a for-profit enterprise, focused on seamoss mariculture, education and value added products and services in Telescope Bay, Grenville, Grenada. | LGE | Grenada | Manufacturing | |
Petite Martinique Women in Action (PMWIA) | Petite Martinique Women in Action (PMWIA) is a civil society organisation that aims to empower women and youth on the island through gender balance initiatives and livelihood creation geared at sustainable economic development. | LGE | Grenada | Agriculture | |
Local Area Management Authority of Soufriere Scott�s Head Marine Reserve | The Local Area Management Authority (LAMA) oversees the sustainable management of the Soufriere Scott's Head Marine Reserve. It comprises of stakeholders in fisheries, hospitality, watersports, the Dominica Coast Guard and the village council. | LGE | Dominica | Tourism | |
Belize Federation of Fishers | The Belize Federation of Fishers is an umbrella organisation of twelve fishermen's associations throughout Belize. Registered in 2011, the organisation engages in advocacy and capacity building for fishers and is active in the development of a sustainable fishing sector in Belize through consultation with commercial fishers, NGOs, the business community and Government stakeholders. | LGE | Belize | Fisheries | |
Barbuda Fishers Association (BFA) | The Barbuda Fishers Association represents the common interests of fishers operating on the island of Barbuda. | LGE | Barbuda | Fisheries | |
Barbados�National Union of Fisherfolk Organizations (BARNUFO) | The Barbados National Union of Fisherfolk Organisation (BARNUFO) is a non-governmental organisation registered in Barbados since 1999. It is a national level body originally comprising only primary (local) level site-based fisherfolk groups in Barbados, but now open to individuals. BARNUFO is also a member of the regional Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organisations (CNFO). | LGE | Barbados | Fisheries | |
Captain Phil and Mel�s Bonefishing Guide Service / East Grand Bahama Fly Fishing | The Captain Phil and Mel�s Bonefishing Guide Service / East Grand Bahama Fly Fishing is a for-profit association of fishers. | LGE | Bahamas | Fisheries Tourism | |
Environmental Awareness Group | The Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) is a national, voluntary, not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation. EAG is Antigua & Barbuda's first environmental organisation, committed to conservation and preservation of the environment and promotion of the sustainable use and management of natural resources. | LGE | Antigua & Barbuda | Tourism | |
Anguilla Fisherfolk Association | The Anguilla Fisherfolk Association (AFFA) is a non profit organisation which provides a collective forum and unified voice for all fisherfolk on Anguilla. The AFFA promotes capacity building of fisherfolk, dissemination of fishering information and advocacy on behalf of fishfolk. | LGE | Anguilla | Fisheries | |
All Trinidad and Tobago Apiculture Cooperative Society Limited (ATTAC) | The All Trinidad and Tobago Apiculture Cooperative Society (ATTAC) promotes apiculture (bee rearing) in Trinidad and Tobago | LGE Network | Trinidad & Tobago | Apiculture | |
Aquaculture Association of Trinidad and Tobago | The Aquaculture Association of Trinidad and Tobago (aQuaTT) supports fish farmers and hobbyists in aquaculture throughout Trinidad and Tobago. | LGE Network | Trinidad & Tobago | Aquaculture | |
Santa Rosa First Peoples Community | The Santa Rosa First Peoples Community is a community based organisation, representative of Indigenous Amerindians in Trinidad and Tobago. | LGE Network | Trinidad & Tobago | Culture | |
Tobago Apicultural Society | The Tobago Apicultural Society is a non profit organisation which promotes apiculture (bee rearing) in Tobago through collective support, educational workshops and public sensisitsation activities. | LGE Network | Trinidad & Tobago | Apiculture | |
Tobago Entrepreneurs Business Network | Business network for the support and promotion of businesses in Tobago | LGE Network | Trinidad & Tobago | All | |
Future Fishers | Future Fishers is a non-profit organisation focused on creating "sustainable use and management of Trinidad and Tobago�s coastal and marine resources while improving the opportunities for better governance, economic growth and social advancement of the fishing community" (Future Fishers, 2020) | LGE Network | Trinidad & Tobago | Fisheries | |
Caribbean Agri-business Association (CABA) | The Caribbean Agri-business Association (CABA)�is regional based, non profit organisation geared towards facilitating the planning and development of regional Agri business programmes and projects. CABA provides advocacy and representation of agri businesses to Government and in trade negotiations. Additional services include access to up to date trade information, CABA online directory, the My Caribbean shop market place platform, education, marketing assistance, sponsorship opportunities and discounts. | LGE Network | Regional | Agriculture | |
Network of Rural Women Producers Trinidad and Tobago | The Network of Rural Women Producers Trinidad and Tobago is a umbrella organisation for over 60 small women led businesses and individuals in Trinidad and Tobago. The NRWPTT hosts themed events such as the Mango Festival and showcases goods and produce of LGEs and agro producers on their website. | LGE Network, Market Place | Trinidad & Tobago | All | |
Alliance of Rural Communities in Trinidad and Tobago | The Alliance of Rural Communities is a collective of community owned, chocolate owners and affiliate producers in the communities of Grande Riviere, Brasso Seco, Biche and Cushe. Consumers can also place orders for weekly delivery of zero plastic organic produce and artisinal products. The ARCTT is part of a larger cross atlantic chocolate initiative with producers in the Caribbean and continental Africa. | LGE; LGE Network; Market Place | Trinidad & Tobago | Agriculture | |
NAMDEVO's Farmer's market | NAMDEVCO's Farmers' Markets are physical market places located throughout Trinidad and Tobago which distribute fresh agricultural produce and goods from farmers/producers directly to consumers. Nine Farmers' markets exist in Macoya, Couva, Diego Martin, Chaguanas, Point Fortin, Queen's Park Savannah, La Horquetta, San Fernando and Arima. | Market place | Trinidad & Tobago | Agriculture | |
Planting Seeds Caribbean | Platning Seeds offers both a virtual market place and investment opportunities for entrepreneurs. LGEs and other SMES can register their platform, allowing clients to shop by store or among over 30 categories of products. Planting Seeds Caribbean also offers a competitive environment to access mentoring and financial support through a panel of investors, to enhance business growth. | Market place | Trinidad & Tobago | All | |
San Antonio Green Market | The San Antonio Green Market, more commonly referred to as 'The Green Market' provides a physical market place for vendors of local artisinal craft items, agricultural products and agri-processed items such as food and beverages. The Green Market promotes a green, eco friendly, zero waste plastic zone. | Market place | Trinidad & Tobago | Agriculture | |
South Market | Roving market that promotes local entrepreneurs, artisans and craft makers in Trinidad and Tobago | Market place | Trinidad & Tobago | All | |
Up Market | UpMarkets are physical markets held both monthly and seasonally that offer consumers an array of agri-processed goods, artisinal and locally product items. Customers can connect trade directly with the entrepreneurs. Vendors can contact the UpMarket by writing to [email protected] for booking information. | Market place | Trinidad & Tobago | All | |
D Market Movers | D' Market Movers Ltd online grocery delivers "fresh produce,�groceries, meats, dairy, fruit baskets etc to homes, offices and restaurants throughout Trinidad & Tobago." With an emphasis on locally grown and locally produced items, D' Market Movers provides consumers with ease of acces, to the the best of T&T. | Market place; LGE | Trinidad & Tobago | Agriculture | |
ExportTT/Ministry of Trade and Industry | exporTT is the National Export Facilitation Organization of Trinidad and Tobago. exporTT implements trade policy and is responsible for the generation and diversification of export growth. exporTT also offers grants in three key areas: export market entry, innovation and production capacity. Businesses operating in non energy manufacturing/services sector including agri-processing are encouraged to apply. | Policy and Regulatory | Trinidad & Tobago | Regulatory/Policy | |
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) | The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) is a regional commissions of the United Nations which promotes economic and social edvelopment f Latin America & the Caribbean. The ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean is located in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. | Policy and Regulatory | Regional | Regulatory/Policy | |
InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) | The Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) provides climate friendly, development financing and technical support to countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Project focus areas are diverse and can include agriculture and rural development, sustainable tourism and SME development. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Regional | Financial | |
Town and Country Division, Ministry of Planning and Development | �Link to sub pages on platform | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad and Tobago | ||
Agricultural Planning Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fishers | The Agricultural Planning Division supports the planning of the nation�s agricultural portfolio through strategic planning, and the creation of policies, plans and programmes to develop the sector. Trade facilitation, intelligence and data collection is carried out through cooperation and collaboration with regional and international organisations operating in trade, agriculture and economic development. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Agriculture | |
Agricultural Services Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries | The Agricultural Services Division contributes towards food security and sustainability of the agriculture sector. LGEs can access support through varying grants and claims such as agricultural incentives, the agro-incentive grant, aquaculture incentive claims and the Youth 'Fast Track' Agro Incentive programme. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Agriculture | |
Central Statistical Office | The Central Statistical Office (CSO) is a Division of the Ministry of Planning and Development, which is responsible for national census taking. The CSO collects processes, disseminates, and markets statistical information in areas such as: population, environment, travel and tourism, business and industry, agriculture etc. Extended services also include library, sampling, surveys, and geospatial services. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Government | |
Companies Registry/ Office of the Attorney General | The Companies Registry (�the Registry�) is a division within the Registrar General�s Department ('RGD'). The Companies Registry Online System (CROS) allows for registered users to access electronic services for businesses, non-profit organisations, and companies on a 24-hour basis. The Registry guides business registration procedures and develops legislation and regulations. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Government | |
Fisheries Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries | The Fisheries Division is a division of the Ministry of the Agriculture, Land and Fisheries which is responsible for all matters related to the sustainable development of the fisheries and aquaculture sector. This includes the development, implementation and enforcement of fisheries policy and laws. The Fisheries Division also supports and regulates fisheries-based enterprises, processes applications for certification as a fisherman, and provides training and administrative support to fish farmers on aquaculture and aquaponics systems and techniques. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Fisheries | |
Green Fund Executing Unit, Ministry of Planning and Development | The Green Fund Executing Unit provides grant funding for the execution of environmental projects by community-based groups and organisations. These activities include �reforestation, remediation, environmental education and public awareness of environmental issues and conservation of the environment�. Eligible organisations submit proposals which are reviewed by the Green Fund advisory committee. If approved, the Green Fund unit monitors the implementation of the project. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Financial | |
Inland Revenue Division, Board of Inland Revenue | The Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) oversees the registration and collection of taxes and manages tax laws through the development of policies and programmes. It provides services related to filing of income tax returns and tax clearance certificates; V.A.T payments/collections; tax clearances; deed of covenants approvals; annuities and pension plans approval (or surrender); request for change in names or addresses of taxpayer; request for statement of indebtedness and application for objection to tax assessment. LGEs can utilise the diagnostic tool �for self-employed or sole trade businesses to determine their status via hte link: | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Regulatory/Policy | |
Intellectual Properties Office | The Intellectual Properties Office (IPO) is a department within the�Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs. It is responsible for the registration of intellectual property rights, promotes inventiveness and makes patent information services available to the public. The IPO offers tutorials for electronic services such as how to apply for a design, patent or trademarks and request a World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) file account. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Regulatory/Policy | |
Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries | The Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries advocates and supports the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable food and non-food systems through public policy and innovation. This mission is supported by several key divisions, units, and state agencies. These include the Agricultural Planning Division , Agriculture Services Division , Fisheries Division , Forestry Division and Land Management Division . State agencies and key partners include the Agricultural Development Bank, The Cocoa Development Company of Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean Fisheries Training and Development Institute, Estate Management and Business Development Company Limited. For a full listing of key divisions and units visit | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Regulatory/Policy | |
Ministry of Finance | The Ministry of Finance develops and implements macro fiscal policies and initiatives for economic expansion and diversification at a national level. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Regulatory/Policy | |
Ministry of Planning and Development | The Ministry of Planning and Development seeks to advance national development at an economic, social, spatial, and environmental level. Varying departments and state enterprises perform functions which affect environmental policy and/or socio-economic development, thus affecting local green blue enterprises. These include the Central Statistical Office, Environmental Policy and Planning Division, Green Fund Executing Unit�, Town and Country Division �and several state enterprises and boards such as the Environmental Management Authority (EMA). | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Regulatory/Policy | |
Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts | The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts' mission is to 'grow and transform the tourism, culture and heritage resources for the benefit of Trinidad and Tobago.' LGEs and enterprises operating in areas such as eco tourism, can find support through a family of connected agencies such as Tourism Trinidad Limited and the Division of Tourism, Culture, Antiquities and Transportation under the Tobago House of Assembly. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Regulatory/Policy | |
Ministry of Youth Development and National Service | The Ministry of Youth Development and National Service supports socioeconomic development and SMEs through the Enterprise Development Division (EDD), the Cooperative Development Division and the National Entrepreneurship Development Company (NEDCO). | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Regulatory/Policy | |
The Environmental Management Authority (EMA), Ministry of Planning and Development | The Environmental Management Authority (EMA) is responsible for the sustainable management of the natural resources and the environment of Trinidad and Tobago. The EMA creates policy framework and regulatory systems such as the National Environmental Policy, the Environmental Management Act and enforces and monitors compliance with the varying standards and programmes relating to the environment. There is also a strong focus on public education and multi-sector collaboration. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Regulatory/Policy | |
The Forestry Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries | The Forestry Division is a division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries which sustainably manages the forest resources of Trinidad and Tobago. The Department of Natural Resources and the Environment in the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) is responsible for management of forests on State lands in Tobago. The division's primary aim is to conserve and enhance forest resources to sustainably meet social, economic, ecological, cultural, and spiritual needs of the populace. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Agriculture Fisheries | |
Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards | The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) is responsible for the development, promotion and enforcement of standards related to the quality and performanc eof goods produced or used locally. TTBS� standard also applies to imported and locally manufactured compostable and biodegradable food and beverage containers, packaging and materials. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Trinidad & Tobago | Regulatory/Policy | |
UNDP Accelerator Lab, United National Development Programme (UNDP) | The UNDP Trinidad and Tobago Accelerator Lab serves Aruba, Cura�ao, Sint Maarten, Suriname and Guyana. In 2021 the Accelerator Lab focused on supporting formal and and informal enterprises. The Lab has also created a pilot digital map of the Green Innovation system for promote interconnectivity among stakeholders. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | Regional | All | |
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) | The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations focused on achieveing food security among nations. The FAO promotes sustainable agriucltural systems amd provides technical assistance in "policy and planning, capacity building, knowledge sharing, advocacy and resource mobilization" FAO, 2018). | Policy and Regulatory Agency | International | Agriculture | |
International Labour Organization (ILO) | The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations (UN) which develops labour standards, policies and programmes to promote decent work for men and women. Through its work, the ILO also supports sustainable green enterprises. | Policy and Regulatory Agency | International | Regulatory/Policy | |
The Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago | The Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago promotes financial stability through monetary, credit and exchange policies. Its primary outreach arm, the National Financial Literacy Programme, enages in public sensitisataion on good financial management practices for different sectors of the populace. Areas include planning for different life stages such as home ownership or retirement; budgeting and saving; risk, credit and debt management and starting a small business. | Policy and Regulatory; Financial Institution | Trinidad & Tobago | Financial Regulatory/Policy | |
Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business | Trinidad & Tobago | ||||
Name of Organisation | Role | Country | Sector |
Photo Credit: N. Leotaud