Caribbean Local Green-Blue Enterprises (LGEs) Knowledge Platform


Welcome to the Local Green-Blue Enterprises Knowledge Platform, an online space to showcase this unique sector, encourage support for LGEs, and facilitate collaboration and capacity building.

Check out this story map on Caribbean LGEs: A pathway to inclusive, sustainable, and resilient economic development.




Featured LGEs

Some of the LGEs creating a positive economic, social and environmental impact in the Caribbean.

Initiatives for LGEs

Initiatives to enhance knowledge, business capacity and access to finance for LGEs and to inspire further action.

Stories of LGEs’ value

Stories showcasing the economic, social and environmental benefits delivered by LGEs in the Caribbean.

Tools for LGEs

Toolkits, manuals and guidelines for LGEs.

The Caribbean Local Green Blue Enterprise Knowledge Platform is a collaborative online space to mobilise LGEs and their supporters to share knowledge and learn from each other, develop alliances, build critical mass and advocate for policy change and enhanced support.

Here you can explore the stories, find key initiatives and stakeholders, learn about cases of collaboration and best practice, as well as access the latest tools and approaches.

Caribbean Local Green-Blue Enterprises (LGEs)
Knowledge Platform

“LGEs are MSMEs that have a potential positive effect on the global or local environment, community, society, or economy and are businesses that strive to meet triple-bottom line returns (economic, environmental and social). LGEs consist of informal and formal MSMEs and social enterprises that use green business models, develop green products or green their business practices.” – Green Economy Coalition

Check out this story map on Caribbean LGEs: A pathway to inclusive, sustainable, and resilient economic development.


Find out more through CANARI’s Local Green Blue Enterprise Radar?


Isle Bee Well

Isle Bee Well

Learn how this local green enterprise seeks to...

Get Involved

CANARI’s Local Green-Blue Enterprise Radar “…got us talking about how well we’re doing as a green-blue enterprise. Doing a self-assessment and having a visual representation of the results is very helpful. We could quite easily identify our strengths and areas for improvement simply by looking at the Radar.” 

- Kemba Jaramogi, Fondes Amandes Community Reforestation Project (FACRP), Trinidad and Tobago

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Hosted by:

“Supported by the European Union (ENV/2016/380-530) through the Green Economy Coalition.”

Photo Credits: Aine Braithwaite and CANARI